who the FUCK

im deltamoth. welcome to my awesome website. i already know what you're thinking and yes this looks kind of awful and cursed.

this is my home though so if you dont like it uhh idk man just close your eyes but dont leave yet.

we cool? we good? alright. the posts are all below these 3 top boxes.


like the website?

i dont have a real inbox setup. i do have a discord though. @deltamoth


put me here please

i have a lot of pretty cool and good friends and i really like them. they are all nice to me and pur up with my shenanigans frequently.

if you arent on this list then that doesnt mean i dont like you it just means i either havent gotten to you or maybe just didnt feel like posting your face in front of the entire internet.

this column is also just kind of a general column for shitposts too so if i have anything friend-related it will go here.

if you know me n want me to put something here hmu cuz u already have my number.


show me ur art already idior

so i draw sometimes. im not that great at it and i have a lot more than just art so

if i put anything cool i made on this site it'll either be in this column or somewhere else.
